How To Prepare your Files for MASTERING:

  • Avoid Limiter on Master Buss.
  • Avoid Peaks Level above 0 dBFS.
  • Leave enough Headroom: ideal Peaks level between -3 and -6 dBFS.
  • Files should be WAV or AIFF. NO Mp3.
  • Bit Rate: ideally 32 bits Floating Point or 24 bits. 16 also doable, in case. Please Do Not Apply Dither.
  • Sample rate: same as your original one. Do Not Upsample or Downsample.
  • Any Transfer File Method is welcome.
  • It’s ok to process your Master Buss if you know what you are doing, in which case we suggest you to send us both dry and wet version.
  • If you’ve recorded your Master Buss directly from your hardware Mixer or you’ve lost your project and you can’t then avoid eventual process done on the Master buss no problem, we will figure out a solution together.

How To Prepare your Files for STEM MASTER or MIX:

  • Avoid Peaks Level above 0 dBFS.
  • Ideally, Peaks no need to be necessarily close to 0 dBFS. If your concern is loudness then no worries, remember the golden rule: “If you want your mix louder then low your levels”.
  • If possible, avoid overcompression.
  • Bit Rate: ideally 32 bits Floating Point or 24 bits. 16 also doable, in case. Please Do Not Apply Dither.
  • Sample rate: same as your original one. Do Not Upsample or Downsample.
  • Files should be WAV or AIFF. NO Mp3.
  • Any Transfer File Method is welcome.